Inuvik is back in play #atl2arctic

At Muktuk, I met another solo rider, Paul. He was heading up to Inuvik, but would rather have the safety of riding with another rider. Paul and I discussed the In’s and Out’s of riding together, and I decided to cut the stay short at Muktuk, and take off to Dawson Saturday Morning, instead of staying thru at Muktuk at least until Sunday.

We rode the next afternoon the 5-6 hours to Dawson from Whitehorse. We stopped and had lunch at a picnic area on the Yukon River where loads of people were pulling the laden canoes out of the river, having been on extended camping expeditions using the canoes as Portage.

The ride was gorgeous, as usual. The road was rougher than any yet encountered, a nice test for the Dempster, since there were long wet, gravelly dirt sections, with 3 small rain storms along the Yukon Highway.

As we approached Dawson, the heavens opened up into a bad storm with lightening, but we broke through without stopping to gear up for it, and made Dawson by 6:30pm.


2 Replies to “Inuvik is back in play #atl2arctic”

  1. Good to hear you are with Paul…post a pic of him too :). That saloon looks like fun!

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